Kamil KrawczyƄski

Research Specialist

Kamil obtained his PhD degree at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS, where he studied microRNA expression and function during pregnancy. At that time he also led his own project Preludium 1. During postdoctoral fellowship at the Magee-Womens Research Institute, Pittsburgh, USA he continued his interest in microRNAs investigating their role in viral protection at the embryo-maternal interface. Later he helped to establish newly forming Laboratory of Tumor Microenvironment at Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS, where he investigated the role of non coding RNAs in the glioblastoma formation. During that time he was also awarded Walczak Scholarship from National Agency of Academic Exchange to join researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston. For achievements during his scientific career he was awarded scholarship for outstanding young scientist from Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He is an author or co-author of 14 research articles. In the Computational Genomics Group at ICTER he will be involved in realization of the Sonata bis 12 project aimed to develop methods for multimodal profiling at single cell resolution.